WARNING: By their nature, text files cannot include scanned iamges and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the original PDF version of this document. CAIRNGORMS SUSTAINABLE TOURISM FORUM Title: Lessons learned and a look to the future Prepared by: Fiona Milligan, Sustainable Tourism Officer Purpose: To invite early contributions from individual members of the Forum about how we can learn from our past experiences of sustainable tourism management and what we hope for in looking to the future. Advice Sought: See proforma at Annex 1 which should be filled out by each member so that results can be recorded and sent on to the consultants Background We are now embarking on preparation of a new strategy for Sustainable Tourism for the next five years. This will be set on the context of the current National Park Plan which has a planning horizon of 25 years. We do not wish to dwell on the past but, before we move forwards, it is important to pause and learn what lessons we can. It is important to note that there will be further opportunities to consider such issues in the interactions with the consultants and also in the planned stakeholder workshops. In addition, a comprehensive audit and analysis of resources, markets, economic needs and environmental issues will be prepared by the consultants as part of their work. An Invitation to contribute Please fill out the proforma attached at Annex 1so that you can speak to it at the meeting and leave a copy at the end of the meeting for passing on to consultants. Please add more sheets if you wish. Fiona Milligan May 2010 fionamilligan@cairngorms.co.uk Annex 1: Sustainable Tourism – Lessons learned and a look to the future Notes: Please remember: • To address all questions thinking about the Cairngorms National Park as a whole • To include environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainability • That we are considering the work of everyone involved in the Cairngorms National Park, including private, public and third sector organisations. Question 1: Looking back at our joint experience in sustainable tourism management over the last five to six years, since the National Park was established: a) What has worked well? b) What has not worked well? c) What “big picture” lessons can be learned? Question 2: Looking forwards to the next five years: a) What do you think the significant influencing factors on sustainable tourism in the National Park will be? b) What new policies and work practices need to be put in place? c) What types of projects or initiatives do you want to see undertaken? Name: __________________________________